When you are trailering a Go-Devil and have the tiller handle tied down with a rope or strap across the gunwales, be sure the engine is free to rock up and down. In other words don't snug the tiller against the rear seat or some kind of block. If you do snug it down it will still try to rock, but all the forces will be concentrated in a small point at the base of the handle. In addition put the rope or strap close to the engine. Where the welded brace comes forward on the handle is an ideal location.
A trip or two up the Haul Road or across the Denali Highway will start a stress fracture at the base of the handle and it may break at an inopportune time. That happened to Stacey Krueger and I on the Mclaren River. Fortunately we had enough parachute cord and willow branches to splint it together. What would we do without parachute cord and duct tape?